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Personal Stuff

I have an apartment in Battery Park City, in lower Manhattan, where my wife Karen and my youngest child, Simona, live, but about 6 years ago I decided that if I wanted to keep working in industry, which I do, I would have to leave New York, which is a veritable desert from a game development perspective. I've lived in four different cities in the last five years: New York, San Francisco, McKinney (TX), and at present Boulder (CO). I have two older kids; my son Eddy is currently working at a language school, as a manager, and also teaching German and other languages; my daughter Vicky is a graduate student in graphic design at Carnegie Mellon (and a serious boardgame geek); and my daughter Simona is attending Quest to Learn, a school founded by the Institute of Play, a not-for-profit established by Katie Salen to harness game design principles in an educational context. Karen is also a game designer, though at present working as a UI/UX designer for Digital Pulp. After a 14-year relationship, Karen and I got married in the most unromantic possible way: in a civil ceremony at the City Clerk of New York's office. Our motivation was political: If and when I am injured in a demonstration against the Trump regime, I want her to have as-right access to my hospital bed, and she saw no benefit to retaining a Jewish last name under the American Reich.

Games and science fiction are my occupation; at present, my main hobby is resisting fascism. I am active in the EFF, the ACLU, and am a member of Transportation Alternatives. American liberty is not at an end, and you will find me out in the streets demonstrating against our fascist regime, as well as involved in the more mundane processes of democracy, such as frequently contacting my national and state representatives. You should also find the phone numbers of your congressman, senators, and state senators and assemblymen; few bother to contact them regularly, and if you do, you can have a material impact on legislation. And you should get out on the streets also; with the presidency and both houses of national government in the hands of reactionaries, only large numbers of people at protests will have an impact. The survival of democracy depends on us all.

If you are in Boulder, here's that information for you:

My 9/11 story.

Eleanor Lang's article: Publicity 101, a primer on doing your own PR.

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